Codex LP 555 Pedestrian reader

This easy to use and small foot print equipment ensures efficient control of pedestrians access to car parks.This equipment is part of the Orbility® Multipark system.


  • Ticket reader will read and check hourly tickets, pass cards, conference/event tickets, pre-paid cards.

  • 7" colour touchscreen and IP camera for bi directional video assistance. Can also be used for advertisement : animations, text, videos…images (option).

  • Checks dates, time bands, black list cards.• All transactions and alerts are transmitted in real time to the Orbility® Multipark Central Management System.

  • Operates in standalone mode in the event of loss of communication with the server: the E-Ticket platform manages printed tickets and broadcasts them to all equipment.

  • The terminal’s memory stores transactions and alerts and transmits them when communication is restored.

  • Management and control of associated cark park access door.

For more details download

'Codex LP 555 Pedestrian reader' product sheet
